Girona: Hot Air Balloon flight Empordà closed group of 12 people

A hot air balloon is shown in the distance about to land in a meadow of yellow flowers.


What to Bring:

  • Comfortable clothing and suitable footwear for the countryside.
  • Sunglasses and a cap to protect yourself from the sun.
  • Camera or smartphone to capture unforgettable moments.

What Not to Bring:

  • Heavy or bulky items that may obstruct the flight.
Without audioguide
The experience
Hot air balloon flight over the Empordà, designed to offer a serene and unique experience. Departing from Colomers between 6:30 am and 8:00 am, passengers will enjoy panoramic views of the landscape, including the Medes Islands and Cape Creus. After the flight, an outdoor breakfast with almond cake and cava is provided. Ideal for couples, families, or corporate groups.